UTEC-UTK Collaboration for Sustainable Energy Ecosystems in Southern Cone

Universidad Tecnologica del Uruguay (Uruguay)

University of Tennessee, Knoxville (U.S.)

UTEC-UTK Collaboration for Sustainable Energy Ecosystems in Southern Cone 

The overall goal of this project is to accelerate workforce development, knowledge sharing and climate action through international collaboration. This goal will be achieved through two phases. In phase 1, each institution will create: i) faculty-led study abroad courses focused on regional energy ecosystems and policies; ii) Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Exchanges; iii) Student-led International Network for climate action initiatives.  In phase 2, a topical workshop titled, “Electric mobility for Net Zero Transition and Equity” will be organized by UTEC in Uruguay.  Researchers and key stakeholders will be invited from U.S. and multiple southern cone countries to address these specific objectives: (1) design new educational models to train a future workforce capable of implementing energy and climate-smart nexus solutions, and (2) provide unique international learning opportunities for policy brief development and public engagement related to energy related issues (3) visit regional partners to broaden stakeholder engagement, accelerate inter-regional partnerships and prepare proposals.