UniDos: Climate Education Initiative

Georgian Court University (U.S.)

Universidad Viña del Mar (Chile)

UniDos: Climate Education Initiative

UniDos: Climate Education Initiative is a mutual partnership between Georgian Court University and Universidad Viña del Mar that connects climate education on local and global scales. After involvement in a virtual exchange course and in-person exchange program, university students will educate and empower children in the respective local communities. The program will begin with a collaborative virtual exchange course focused on public health impacts of water and beach pollution, air pollution, and regional wildfires, which are common problems for each of the local communities. University students will collaborate on designing workshops on these topics to educate children during the Children’s Climate Camp. The 4-day climate camps will be held in New Jersey and Valparaiso, Chile during the study abroad exchanges, and UVM and GCU students will serve as camp counselors and workshop presenters. The partner institutions will implement an in-person short-term reciprocal study abroad exchange program with five students and one coordinator from each country to the respective partner university in July 2024. The exchange program will provide access to study abroad to underrepresented students and develop a model for future exchange programs between both institutions.