Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala City, GuatemalaPartner: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States "Working Together Towards a Better Environment and Inclusive Solutions: Student Exchange Program in Environmental Studies…
Freshwater Ecology in the Great Lakes and Guatemala: Promoting Sustainability in an Era of Global Change
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, United StatesUniversidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Freshwater Ecology in the Great Lakes and Guatemala: Promoting Sustainability in an Era of Global…
Environmental Justice: A Partnership between Illinois State University and Universidad Rafael Landívar
Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, United StatesUniversidad Rafael Landívar, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Environmental Justice: A Partnership between Illinois State University and Universidad Rafael Landívar Illinois State University (ISU) and…
Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment of Agricultural Non-Point Pollution in Drinking Water in Honduras
Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano, San Antonio de Oriente, Francisco de Morazán, HondurasCornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment of Agricultural Non-Point Pollution in Drinking Water in Honduras…
NCC—ITCA Global Challenge Initiative
Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United StatesEscuela Especializada en Ingenería ITCA Fepade, Santa Tecla, El Salvador NCC—ITCA Global Challenge Initiative The NCC—ITCA Global Challenge Initiative connects students from Northampton Community…