Student Spotlight: Edin Davila Burgas

We are the 100K Exchange Network

Edin Davila Burga shares his testimony as a 100K Strong Americas student.

“Being part of the 100K Exchange Network has allowed me to consolidate my interest in caring for the environment that I explored from home and through volunteer work at the university”



Best advice of my 100K Exchange Experience:

Hello, I am Edin Davila Burga and I currently live in the city of Piura, Peru. The opportunity of immersion in a cultural exchange allows you to better understand life and look at it, not only from your own perspective, but from other points of view. Always learning from the people around you will lead you to successful in the processes and projects in which you participate.

What I gained from my time at Towson University:

With my classmates from Towson University and the University of Piura, I learned to share with different cultures, to overcome the fear of making mistakes in communication, to experience the culture of the United States, to take care of the planet, to invest my time in the care and protection of ecosystems; Also, understand that small actions cause big impacts on society.

This experience allowed me to gain two very important things; generate bonds of friendship and community with the family that hosted us, with the teachers who accompanied us throughout the whole process and with the US and Peruvian colleagues who shared this experience; On the other hand, it allowed me to affirm and find my passion for caring for nature through my profession: managing the safeguarding of water not only at home, but also in natural sources such as rivers, lakes and forests, and in the case of Piura in the cloud forests and moors.

What I gained from being part of the 100K Exchange Network:

Being part of the 100K Exchange Network has allowed me to consolidate my interest in caring for the environment that I explored from home and through volunteer work at the university; Therefore, with the participation of the program, it allowed me to consolidate and begin the development of international work skills such as cultural communication, adaptability, and constant curiosity for constant learning.

This has allowed me to currently work in water management, as a technical assistant in integrated water resources management within the framework of the Blue Deal Peru Project, which is promoted by the Water Authorities of the Netherlands, and to be part of the team of the Technical Secretariat of the Water Resources Council of Chira Piura Basin.

This position has allowed me to continue my professional development path as part of a multidisciplinary and international team with specialists from the Netherlands and Peru; In addition, it allowed me to be part of the Young Expert Program in which I participated in 2 international training sessions in the Netherlands and Kenya with young professionals from different countries and continents.

Currently, I am preparing to participate in the World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, in which I will have the opportunity to present about my international work, which involves public, private and civil society actors, both local and international.

I recommend that young people from the network and from the university take advantage of the opportunities they have to connect with more people nationally and internationally, getting involved in different activities and initiatives, since this allows them to grow as people and as professionals.

Now you know Edin Davila Burga’s testimony about his experience with 100K Strong Americas. If you want to know more experiences from 100K Exchange Network alumni, don’t hesitate to consult them.