South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, South Dakota, United States
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru
Increasing the Partnership, Technical Training, and Exchange of Students between UPC-PERU, Lima, PE, and SDSMT, Rapid City, USA
This program aims to increase student and faculty mobility between the two universities, as well as to hone the technical and soft skills of students through implementing a sanitation project that seeks to improve the quality of life of families who lack water services in the Lima district of Villa María del Triunfo. The sanitation project will include the implementation of a fog catcher system that captures water from mist to be used for domestic purposes, the irrigation of orchards, and the implementation of a waste-water treatment system that will be re-used for irrigation. Families who benefit from the project will be trained to use the systems for the future, and the systems will be able to be replicated in other areas of the country.