The 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund uses the principle of leveraged innovation with higher education institutions (HEIs) that demonstrate the greatest commitment and innovation toward increasing study abroad opportunities between the United States and countries in the Western Hemisphere. In applying for the Innovation Fund grants, HEIs will be asked to demonstrate how they will assert leadership in implementing the innovations proposed, how they will address on-campus barriers to student mobility, how they will maintain student engagement, and how they will commit to making concrete changes to expand access to study abroad as sending and/or hosting institutions.

The Department of State and Partners of the Americas reserve the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted. Please refer to the requests for proposal (RFPs) below for a complete statement of goals and expected results of the competitions.

Current Open Competitions

Please check back later for open grant opportunities.


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**Before applying for an Innovation Fund grant, please join the Innovation Network for free!**


Click below to begin the application process or to send us your questions on the grant competitions.

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