The Future of Mining in West Virginia and Minas Gerais: New Opportunities in Technology, Safety, and Sustainability

In this new partnership between West Virginia University (WVU), Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Tecnologias Minerais (SENAI/ISI), and Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), students and researchers will conduct short-term visits to Belo Horizonte, MG, and Morgantown, WV. These visits will allow the students to share and develop knowledge and understanding of the challenges, practices, and problems faced in mining in both states. This exchange program is a step to prepare students and communities for a coal-free future and address the severity of the failure of decommissioning systems and structures. Students and researchers from WV and MG from different engineering and science backgrounds will work together to identify common and specific societal, cultural, and environmental problems caused by mining in both states.


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